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A Credit script that works with an instance to display your credits

File Name: portal 2.7z
File Size: 2.43 KiB
Click here to download Credits

?????????????????????????????TWP Releases | My Workshop

This looks very useful chicken! I'll look into it this evening!

Thank you!

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Awesome, I'll give this a try.

How exactly do you implement these things?

Wow! That was...uh, yeah. Just, yeah.
protoborg wrote:
How exactly do you implement these things?

I gave you an instance with the download so all you need to do is put in the instance and trigger it the way you would usually do through any instance.

  1. Create a func_instance and in the name value put anything you like. Set the VMF filename to: chicken_instances/credits.vmf
  2. Create your trigger/button/something that will activate your credits
  3. Connect an output from your trigger/button/something by clicking on the arrow for a list of outputs (Target Input / Via this Input) given kindly by the func_instance_io. It goes something like this:
    OnPressed -> NameOfTheInstance -> instance:DisplayCredits;Trigger

In your script you need to put the relevant credits in with all the correct delays you need. If you don't want the game to end once the credits finish rolling, you will need to edit the script and remove or comment out the:

Code: Select all
   // Credits are finished. Disconnect the player
   if(currentLine > CREDITS.len())
      EntFire( "@clientcommand", "Command", "Disconnect", 2.0)   

at the end of the script and then probably make the fade 'unfade' or 'reverse fade'.

?????????????????????????????TWP Releases | My Workshop