Panel Activated by looking, deactivated by looking away.

Uploaded June 18, 2011 by ChickenMobile


This is a panel that is activated by the player looking at it. For anyone interested, I thought that this would make a good puzzle element. Here is a demonstration video: Please note that this is a prefab, not an instance or a file you just copy and paste. If you wish you could make this into an instance but I kept it as a prefab for the movability of the trigger. Prefabs go inside your Portal 2/bin/Prefabs folder. Explanation on how it works (if you can't figure out for yourself): If the player is looking at the panel (onTrigger) it will trigger the open relay. To make sure that the animations are played in order it will disable the open relay and enable the close relay. The opposite for the other relay. Since the trigger_look cannot use the OnTimeout output when it has Triggered I used a timer to disable and re-enable the trigger so then the player can fire the outputs again. If you are to edit this to make the platforms close slower etc. Make sure you make the timer fire longer than the timeout value in the trigger_look. Otherwise the panels will never close. If you need help with anything in the prefab, please don't hesitate to post a reply in the topic.
