Elevator Videos Fixed - Brainstones Hardcoded Instances v1.1

Uploaded June 8, 2012 by Brainstone


EDIT(IMPORTANT:) I have just discovered (thanks to sleter) that the elevator videos behave differently AGAIN when your map is uploaded to the workshop. (Damn VALVE) The Problem is now fixed. I have also merged the arrival logic and the arrival base as I have merged the departure logic and the departure base; that was unfortunately a must because of the nature of this very annoying problem. Currently you can have entry_elevator_UP and exit_elevator_UP in your map. Entry_elevator_DOWN and exit-elevator_DOWN will be added shortly. You MUST redownload this instance, because your elevator video screens will always play the default video as soon as they are uploaded to the workshop. (Unless you delete the entity "video_script" inside your logic elevator instance. In my custom logic elevators, this is already the case, so you will probably have this problem only in your arrival elevator.) Thank you for your understanding. ---------------------------------- Aren't you tired of VALVE destroying elevator videos with the new DLC? Aren't you tired of editing scripts for map transitions? And then packing them into bsp, what doesn't work? Do you really expect every under-age-12 downloader to be smart and not lazy enough to copy several of your scripts in the right location of his PC? Do you want to display chapter titles? Do you sometimes wish to have free choice over whether your Portal Gun can shoot the orange Portal and whether it carries PoTAToeS or not? Do you want a map transition that works, when the player si not in the PeTI? All this is now accesible to you, thanks to Brainstone's Hardcoded Instance Collection --------------------------------------- 1. BrainstoneEntryTransition Delete the standard arrival_departure_transition for this to work. Possibilities to choose: $canShootOrangePortal $PortalgunHasNoPotatoe $chapterTitle $chapterSubtitle $chapterTitleColour (e.g. 255 100 255) $chapterSubtitleColour $EnableChapterTitle $EnableChapterSubtitle 2. BSHC_entry_elevator_UP $video 100% functioning 3. BSHC_exit_elevator_UP $video $newmapname $disablePTIVoteDiag (If you are playing in the PeTI AND want to vote, there is no other option than let the player click the "next map" button to create a transition. However, this always transitions the player to $newmapname when he plays not in PETI)
